Home » Blue Mountain Resort Night Time Zip & Climb Review

Blue Mountain Resort Night Time Zip & Climb Review

   Night Zip & Climb Adventure Review


 Close to our house is the Blue Mountain Ski Resort. Blue Mountain does a great job of offering things-to-do in the summer season. We recently tried out their Night Time Zip & Climb which allows you to come experience the summit aerial park after dark. The Night Time Zip & Climb is offered every Friday evening from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (June – October) for $32 a person. You can climb, zip and swing through the trees while you glow in the dark! 



This was our first time ever doing something like this, so we weren’t sure what to expect. The website did highly recommend purchasing your tickets ahead of time, so we made sure we went ahead and did that because tickets tend to sell out fast. 

 This was the zip lining tower!


Overall, the zip lining and climbing was a lot of fun…even more fun at sunset and after dark!


If we can give one tip from our experience, it would be: arrive early! Early…as in, a half hour early BEFORE the suggested check-in time. Since we didn’t know what to expect, we arrived “on-time” aka at the start of the check-in time which was 6:30 PM for a 7:00 PM start. Upon arrival, you check-in, get a wristband, a glow-stick bracelet and necklace, and sign your waiver. 


We suggest to arrive early because we didn’t realize that they were breaking everyone up into different start groups. That means, the earlier you arrived and checked-in, you could head to the patio out back and get in one of the first groups to get your gear. If you are in one of the first groups, you’ll have a better chance of completing all the courses in the two hours.



After checking-in, we waited to get placed in a group where we got our gear (harness and helmet). A guide walked us up to the aerial park where we waited for some further directions. The aerial park had 4 courses (Orange – beginner, Green, Blue and Black – Advanced) in that order. Blue Mountain does not allow you to choose which color course you would like to start on and requires everyone to start on Orange and work your way up to Black.


Since everyone has to start on the beginner course (Orange), it caused a pretty big back-up in the line. Since we weren’t in one of the first groups, we did have to wait in line for quite a while to get started on the first course. This was a little bit of a bummer because  we only had 2 hours to explore 4 courses and a zip lining tower with a hard stop at the end of the 2 hours at 9:00 PM. Needless to say, we did not get to do all 4 courses or even the zip lining tower. Some of the guides suggest starting at the zip lining tower (pictured above) before getting in line for the beginner (orange) course if you want to make sure you get the chance to experience it!

Another factor to note is that in addition to having to wait in line to get started on the beginner orange course, they only allowed one person on the starting platform at a time. Once you were on the course, you were allowed 3 people on the course platforms, only if you were from the same group. I believe this was due to COVID restrictions. This means, if the person/group in front of you is slow on the course, you end up waiting additional time, to not only get started on the course, but to also get through the entire course before moving onto the next level.


Once you complete a course, a blue mountain guide marks the color off on your wristband before you can move on to the next level.



We were only able to get through the Orange, Green and Blue courses in the two hours. It was 9:00 PM exactly when we finished the Blue course and unfortunately they had a hard stop and closed off the lines so we were unable to get in line for the final Black course and the zip lining tower. 


Following the zip & climb, we headed down to the resort’s Slopeside Grille for some drinks and apps.


All in all, the zip lining and climbing was a fun experience! Not to mention, the sunset views from the mountain were amazing! This would definitely be a fun adventure with a group of friends or even families if your family is up for some adventure! We can’t wait to try zip lining again in the near future!


Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions!





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